Tuesday 12 February 2013



Monday, February 11, 2013  
7 rounds
5 Pull Ups
10 Thrusters 115lbs/75lbs
15 DoubleUnders

GasCity Crossfit strives to have a team atmosphere that ends up making you better as an individual. It’s camaraderie, that family that you end up building and the energy that you get back from it yourself. When you come to a CrossFit gym everybody knows your name, everybody loves you and you’re a part of something bigger than just getting a workout.

Always be Supportive and offer encouraging words to your fellow athletes. Cheer, clap and encourage others. Your presence is appreciated more then you know. Be ready for high fives when the work out is finished! You are part of an amazing group of people. Although you train as an individual we workout as a team.