Tuesday 20 August 2013




Double Unders
Toes To Bar
Kettle Bell Snatches (35lbs/44lbs)

We will be hosting an Olympic Lifting Seminar September. 21, 2013. Registration is now open and the cost will be $115/person which will involve a 7 hour seminar. Our special guest that we are super excited to have in our facility is Glen Hutchinson!

The ultimate goal is to encourage a hands on environment in which each participant will learn the technical aspects of the snatch and clean and jerk with the ability to perform them with actual training loads. You will not become an expert from one day, but you will have the opportunity to take a step closer to reaching your Olympic Weightlifting goals whether that is on a platform, in a WOD or as coach. The seminar serves as a complete introduction to someone who is new to Olympic Lifting, as well as a detailed continuing education for seasoned lifters. Everyone is welcome! There is a cap of 20 people so sign up early!