Friday 13 December 2013



4 Person Team WOD

1 Person completes each station at 1 time - you can not move on until your team mate is done the station in front of you.
25 Minute Time Cap

25 Wall Balls (14lbs-9'/20lbs-10')
25 KB Snatches (44lbs/62lbs)
25 T2B
25 Squat Clean (65lbs/95lbs)
25 Walking Lunges w/ plate overhead (35lbs/45lbs)

Team order must be: Female/Male/Female/Male

On Monday Dec. 16th our 7:00am class will be canceled. Due to a sudden death in the family Kaine and I will be traveling to Regina for a funeral. We are so sorry for the short notice. All other times will remain the same. Regular 7:00am class will resume Tuesday Dec. 17th.
Thank you for your understanding,