Tuesday 4 February 2014



5 Rounds

30 Sec Max Effort Thrusters (65lbs/95lbs)
30 Second Rest
30 Sec Max Effort Sit Ups
30 Second Rest
30 Sec Max Effort Burpees

RX Jump Ropes: If you are interested in ordering in a RX Jump Rope, Shaun Redmond, from the gym will be putting in an order. Please visit, rxjumpropes.com, to figure out what you would like. You can contact Shaun by email: sredmond@firstonsite.ca or phone: 403-594-2762 or by person at the gym. Thanks:

Also, Friday is the draw for the Rock Creek Beer Fridge. Tickets are $2.00 each and all proceeds are donated to the local charity, Big Brothers Big Sisters! Get your ticket before its to late! :)