Friday 31 May 2013



1 Km Run
20x Pullups
10x Squat Clean 115/85
30x Box Jumps
20x Pullups
10x Squat Clean 115/85
1 Km Run 


Thursday 30 May 2013


10 Rounds
10x Thrusters 95/65
10x Ring Dips

Wednesday 29 May 2013


3RM Bench Press

Double Unders
Ball Slams 14/16

Tuesday 28 May 2013


12 Min Amrap

10x Push Press 95/65
10x SDHP 95/65
10x Lateral Jumps Over Bar

Monday 27 May 2013

We Love Kids Box Rules

TEAM WOD 05.27.13

Chipper-Team WOD

800m Row
20 Deadlift 95/135 
20 Wall Ball 25-10ft/18-9ft
20 Double Unders
20 Kettle Bell Swings 53/70
20 Burpees
20 Sit Ups


15 Min Amrap

7 Burpee Box Jumps
7 T2B
7 Step ups with Kettle Bell 35/53
7 Kettle Bell Swings 35/53 

Steve goes up in Weigh, check out this Turkish Get Up with Christine. Nice Job you two! 

Friday 24 May 2013


Elizabeth 21-15-9
Power Cleans 135/95
Ring Dips

What is Rx?

Rx refers to performing or completing the WOD as prescribed without any adjustments or modifications.

This applies not only to a specific weight that a movement was intended to be used with, but just as importantly, to a complete range of motion in which the movement was intended.

Some examples can be:chest-to-ground in the push-up, chin over bar in the pull up, and hips below parallel in the squat, or toes touching the bar every time in T2B.

Just remember this, Virtuosity is more important then getting an RX. Remember this when you are planning to chose your weight. Virtuosity: doing the common, uncommonly well. Get that movement perfect!!

If we sacrifice our form or stray away from the standards you will stall your progress and only hurt yourself in the end. Rx doesn't define you, be accountable for the CrossFit standards!

Don't be discouraged if you are not getting Rx, this is just a standard and something to work towards. Getting your movements to standard is far more important then always getting Rx.

Thursday 23 May 2013


5 Rounds
15x Wall Balls 20/11ft-14/10ft 
10x Thrusters 55/45
10x  OH Walking Lunges 45/35


3 Rounds

50x Double Unders  
20x Dead Lift 95/135  
15x T2B
10x HSPU 

Our Coaches Joey and Shana!

Tuesday 21 May 2013


Team WOD

200 Squats 95/65 (Your choice of Front or Back Squat)
Sit ups 

Saturday 18 May 2013

May Long WOD

Here is a little WOD for those who are missing Crossfit today! Try it out at home and get your family and friends to try it out!! Have fun and enjoy the rest of your weekend!!!

May Long WOD
Amrap 25 Min.

9x Walking Lunges
9x Mountain Climbers
9x Sit Ups
9x Air Squats
9x Push Ups

Try and get in as many rounds as you can!! See everyone on Tuesday!!!


25 Box Jumps 20/24
25 Jumping Pull Ups
25 Kettle Bell Swings 35/53
25 Lunges per Leg
25 K2E
25 Push Press 45/65
25 Back Extensions
25 Burpees
25 Ball Slams
25 Double Unders

Have A Great Long Weekend Everyone!!

Thursday 16 May 2013



 Power/Spilt Snatch
5 Min Partner Amrap
Power Snatch 85/135

Wednesday 15 May 2013


5 Rounds
Dead Lift 245/165
Wall Walks (Hand release/Head to Wall) 

New prices-Commit and Save

Hey there, we have new Price Point to offer to you all, here is the list of the new prices being offered if you commit to 3 months, 6 months or a year. Commit and Save!!
3 Months: $350.00
6 Months: $650.00
12 Months: $1200.00
Thanks everyone for the on going support!! ~GasCity CrossFit

Tuesday 14 May 2013


8 Min Amrap

1 Min at each movement:  
Pull Ups
Sit Ups
Air Squats
HR Push Ups
Box Jumps
Ring Dips

*Add up reps for total score.

Monday 13 May 2013


For Time-53/35
(All With Kettle Bell/Hang Position/One Arm)
5 Turkish Get ups
30 Thrusters
30 Clean and Jerks
30 Kettle Bell Swings
30 Snatches 
30 OHS
30 Turkish Get Ups

New Photos Added to Instagram, make sure you join, so you can keep updated on whats happening at GasCity CrossFit:

Sunday 12 May 2013

Saturday 11 May 2013


3 Rounds

OHS 95/65


3 Rounds

25 Hang Cleans 75/115
15 Box Jumps 20/24
100m Run with Wall Ball 14-30

Check out these amazing Transformations and only after 4 months! 
Great work girls, so proud of you!! Hard Work Pays off!! 


Thursday 9 May 2013



1 Rep Max 
Push Jerk
10 Min Amrap
Push Press (135-185/65-95)
Ball Slams (14-25)



Thrusters 45/35
Box Jumps
Dynamic Push Ups

Wednesday 8 May 2013



Wall Balls
Double Unders

Monday 6 May 2013


3 Rounds

400M Run  
20 Deadlift-Body Weight
10 Sit Ups 
5 Pull Ups-Strict

BatVator came for a visit today at the gym!

Sunday 5 May 2013

Kidney Race 2013

Great Job to all our Athletes who ran for a great cause today, Kidney Foundation Walk and Run 2013. We had some great times and we are so proud of everyone who entered and did the race. Great Job GasCity, way to represent!!!

Saturday 4 May 2013


30 Reps for Time
Clean and Jerk 95/135

Matt Gets a Muscle Up
Today was a great day at the gym, huge congrats to Matt for getting his first muscle up and to his lovely wife Amy for getting a chest to bar pull up!! Great work guys :-) this is the 2nd one he did, we missed his reaction when he got his first one!!


Friday 3 May 2013



800M Run
3 Rounds
10 OH Squats 65/95  
10 Push Ups  
25 Sit Ups

800M Run 

We Asked our Clients, I Crossfit because _____________ This is what our members are saying:

> The challenge, the atmosphere and the people.

> It challenges me both mentally & physically.

>To be a role model for my boys! To teach them to be strong and dedicated to your body, you only have one! To increase my chance of living a longer healthy life so I can keep up with my two busy boys. Not to mention the personal challenge you get from pushing yourself past your limits! And being involved in a community all dedicated to the same lifestyle , a healthy one!

>To be a fit, healthy role model for my kids. To be able to live a long, energetic life with my family. Also, I love the Crossfit community...the people are what makes it great! 

>I love the community, the feeling I get from accomplishing what I never even imagined I would do, like the other moms I want to be a role model to my daughters and IT WORKS!!

>I love the physical and mental challenge I get from it. I love everything that CrossFit stands for! I have one chance in life and it gives me the opportunity like many others to be a role model not only to my family, but to others to lead a healthy life. I have never felt stronger and more empowering as a woman. Crossfit is like nothing else I have ever done and I love being surrounded by like minded people that are supportive and encouraging.

>To feel good & kick ass & meet other ass kickin people!   

>I want to be able to survive the zombies apocalypse... That and stay healthy and keep up with my kids 

Why do you CrossFit? 

Wednesday 1 May 2013


5 Rounds
12 Wall Balls 14/20
9 Pull Up Burpees
3 Power Cleans 135/210 

What to Eat Pre/Post Workout?

I have had some question regarding what you should eat Post Work out, here is an article from Rob Wolf:

Here are a few things to avoid before a workout: Things to avoid prior to a workout. Avoid foods that will cause an irregular pattern in your blood sugar. For most of you that will be foods that are high glycemic (i.e. pineapple, banana, most grains, flavoured yogurt, food bars, sugary drinks, etc.). For others this may involve not eating too much fat (oils, nuts, seeds, avacoados, etc) or protein (animal foods, dairy, eggs, etc.) prior. Just take note of what makes you feel good. Another suggestion would be to avoid dairy foods prior to any heavy breathing workout as it may cause an excessive amount of mucous for many people - in the CrossFit world… that is not a good thing.~CFCalgary



1 RM-Deadlift
Overhead Squat Kettle Bell 25/44
Deadlift 95/135