Friday 3 May 2013



800M Run
3 Rounds
10 OH Squats 65/95  
10 Push Ups  
25 Sit Ups

800M Run 

We Asked our Clients, I Crossfit because _____________ This is what our members are saying:

> The challenge, the atmosphere and the people.

> It challenges me both mentally & physically.

>To be a role model for my boys! To teach them to be strong and dedicated to your body, you only have one! To increase my chance of living a longer healthy life so I can keep up with my two busy boys. Not to mention the personal challenge you get from pushing yourself past your limits! And being involved in a community all dedicated to the same lifestyle , a healthy one!

>To be a fit, healthy role model for my kids. To be able to live a long, energetic life with my family. Also, I love the Crossfit community...the people are what makes it great! 

>I love the community, the feeling I get from accomplishing what I never even imagined I would do, like the other moms I want to be a role model to my daughters and IT WORKS!!

>I love the physical and mental challenge I get from it. I love everything that CrossFit stands for! I have one chance in life and it gives me the opportunity like many others to be a role model not only to my family, but to others to lead a healthy life. I have never felt stronger and more empowering as a woman. Crossfit is like nothing else I have ever done and I love being surrounded by like minded people that are supportive and encouraging.

>To feel good & kick ass & meet other ass kickin people!   

>I want to be able to survive the zombies apocalypse... That and stay healthy and keep up with my kids 

Why do you CrossFit?