Monday 29 April 2013


15 min Amrap

5 Thrusters 95/135
10 K2E
15 Push Ups

Saturday 27 April 2013


3 Rounds
400m run
15 Sumo Deadlifts 65lbs/95lbs
10 OHS 65lbs/95lbs

"Awesome job to all our Athletes who ran in the Medicine Hat Rattler Race today. It was a windy day, but they kicked butt. We are so proud of everyone who raced!! Love seeing the GasCity CrossFit Colors girls. Great Job Everyone!!!!"


500m Row
25 Ball Slams 25-30lbs
25 Sledge Hammer each arm
25 Jumping Squats
100m Sprint with 60-80lb Kettle Bell 
10 Prowler Pushes
25 Back Extensions
25 Ring PushUps
100m Sprint with 60-80lb Kettle Bell 
25 Hell Wheels
25 Walking Lunges
100m Sprint with 60-80lb Kettle Bell 
25 Situps  

"Good Luck to all our Athletes running in the Rattler Race tomorrow, kick butt" 

Thursday 25 April 2013



Ring dips
Toes to Bar
L Sit Hold (21 sec, 15 sec and 9 sec)


One Rep Max

Front Squat

Wall Balls 
Box Jumps 

T-Shirt Pre Order:

Hey there, we have set a deadline for the Shirt/Tank pre-order. You have to order and pay for your shirts by Wednesday, May 1, 2013. The total cost for the shirts will be $25.00.

You will have the choice of:

Women> Tank- Pink or Black?
Men>       Tank-Black
                T-shirt-Black or Green?

Please make sure you have chosen the correct size. The shirt size is the same as the previous shirts we orderd. Please talk to Kaine, Joey, Steve or Britteny before or after class to confirm your order and pay for the shirt. Thanks everyone!! 

Tuesday 23 April 2013


5 Rounds

50 Double Unders  (150 Singles)
25 Kettle Bell Swings 35/53
10 Push Press 65/95 

Monday 22 April 2013


3 Rounds

5 Pull Ups
10 PushUps
15 Squats
2 Bear Complex

Jumping the weight......


Saturday 20 April 2013


6 Rounds
5 Deadlifts 65/95
10 Power Cleans 65/95
15 Thrusters 65/95
20 Situps


3 Rounds-Partner WOD

400m Run 3x

(While Partner runs, the other person does an Amrap of exercises below until they return)
5x Push Ups
5x T2B
5x Box Jumps 20/24

Friday 19 April 2013



15 Min Amrap

6 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 65/95
6 Wall Balls 14-9ft/20-10ft
6 Burpees
6 KB Swings 35/53

Thursday 18 April 2013

Box Rules of Conduct!

If you come to GasCity Crossfit, here is a little reminder. Please read this over!!!! Follow these simple rules of conduct and we will have a happy and positive community!!!



Find Your 1 Rep Max

Back Squat

Walking Lunges
Sit Ups 

Tuesday 16 April 2013




Box Jumps 20/24 

To succeed…You need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you. -Tony Dorsett 



3 Rounds

5 Squat Cleans 75lbs/135lbs
8 Strict Pullups/Negative PullUps
10 Sit-Ups

Monday 15 April 2013

Rylee and Christine got Married


Rylee and Christine get married and stopped in at the gym for a little WOD (just kidding) and some pictures. Congrats you two and hope you had a wonderful day! 
The pics turned out great!!!  
Check out the Photos:



4 Rounds

100m Run
10 Kettle Bell Swings
100m Run
10 Wall Balls
100m Run
Ring Pushups

Friday 12 April 2013



10 OHS 155/115
10 Box Jumps
10 Thrusters 135/95
10 Power Cleans 205/135
10 T2B
10 Burpee Muscle Ups/Pull Ups
10 T2B
10 Power Cleans 205/135
10 Thrusters 135/95 
10 Box Jumps 
10 OHS 155/115

We would like to Congratulate and Welcome the newest members to our Coaching team, Steve and Shana Comstock! These two know their stuff and are a great asset to the gym!! Awesome job you two!!!

Thursday 11 April 2013

Las Vegas Super Sparten Race-Donnalee

Donnnalee is back from Vegas and kicked butt in the Sparten race. She did an amazing job and we are proud of you!! Here is how she did:

Race day temp for our  heat was 30 c...way tooooo hot, thought I was going to melt.  There were hills, more hills and then more hills. We also had to do a 30-50 meter swim in the well as all the regular spartan obstacles....lots of mud, water and walls to scale.

Here are the official results from the spartan website.
Here is how I placed:

Official time 2:35:51
> • 4874 people finished race
> • I finished 1092 out of 4874 (over all top 22%)
> • I finished 135 out of 1709 female athletes( top 8% of all female athletes)
> 5th out of 79 in my age group (45-49)


Wednesday 10 April 2013



16 Min Amrap
10 Wall Balls
10 Pull Ups
100m Run
10 Situps

Tuesday 9 April 2013



4 Rounds
10 Broad Jump Burpees
10 Ring Dips
10 Box Jumps 20/24
10 Front Squat 95/115

Wednesday NEW 7:30pm Class


We are running a 7:30pm Class Wednesday Evening now that the Open is over.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday-7:30pm


GasCity CrossFit T-Shirts Now Available!!

GasCity CrossFit Shirts are in and available.
If you Pre-Ordered your child a shirt they are in as well, the cost is $15.00. 
All other shirts are $20.00.



20 Wall Balls 20/25-30
20 Kettle Bell Swings 44/62
20 Dumbbell Thrusters 30/45
20 K2E
20 Walking Lunges
20 G2O with Plate
20 Sit Ups
20 Cal Row
20 Air Squats

Sunday 7 April 2013

CrossFit Open is Finished!!

13.5 is Closed and the Open has officially ended. First of all we want to say Congrats to our very own Coach Kaine, who will be representing GasCity CrossFit at this years Regionals in Richmond, BC as an individual.

We also want to say how proud we are every each and every person who competed in this years CrossFit Open, you represented GasCity well. We saw athletes preserver and accomplish great things. You all did an amazing Job and as a Gym we finished in a great position.

We didn't get to Regionals this year, but watch out for next year. Great Job everyone, now lets get back to training.

~Kaine, Britteny and Joey

13.5 CrossFit Open


4 Min Amrap (If 3 rounds are completed in 4 min a bonus of another 4 min is added and so on)

15 Thrusters
15 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

Thanks to everyone who came on and cheered on our Athletes yesterday. We have completed 13.5 proudly. We are just waiting for the end of the day to get the final results!! Great Job GasCity Crossfit!!


Friday 5 April 2013

CrossFit Open 13.5 Workout

Hey there Everyone, tomorrow is our last Open Workout. We will be taking on 13.5 tomorrow at 12:00pm at GasCity Crossfit. This is your last chance to see our athletes perform. come out and cheer them on!! Thanks for the Support and see you tomorrow at Noon!!

Yaaa GasCity!!

We want to send out some Good luck wishes to Donnalee who will be competing in the Las Vegas Super Sparten Race this Saturday! Your hard work is going to pay off and we know you will do great!!

We also have two of our members Shana and Steve Comstock who are going for their CrossFit Level One Course. Good luck guys and have a blast. Enjoy the weekend and learn lots :-)

Lastly we want to say congrats to everyone who has been working hard, trying Paleo and seeing results. We are proud of you all for working so hard in class. Keep it up everyone!!

Thursday 4 April 2013


The Wrist straps are in, get them while they last. We have four color options, green,blue,pink and purple. 
$30.00 per pair!!

Product Description
Strength Wraps are reusable, cloth wrist wraps that offer an athlete wrist support for weight lifting that can be worn throughout the workout without hindering other non-lifting movements.  An athlete can put on Strength Wraps before a workout and adjust the tightness (i.e., level of support) with one quick touch of the wrap – something that can’t be done with athletic tape used for wrist support.  For example, Kelley likes her wrist wraps tight and supportive while starting off a workout with overhead squats or snatches, but then likes to loosen them just a bit for additional flexibility for wallballs or double-unders.  The ability to adjust the wrap support, along with the inherent flexibility of a cloth wrist wrap, allows the athlete wrist protection with reliability and unmatched comfort.
We’ve been performance testing Strength Wraps since 2009 and are the original cloth wrist wrap company of its kind.  Working with elite CrossFitters, as well as powerlifters and athletes from other disciplines, has allowed us to develop the most durable, supportive, and technically superior product on the market.  Input from people well known in our community like Chris Spealler and Mike Burgener is unparalleled; other companies have now entered the market and have tried to cheaply copy our wraps, but the extensive research and personal feedback from elite athletes and coaches makes our product superior in quality and design.



12 Min Amrap

7 Dumbbell Snatch L
7 Dumbbell Snatch R
25 Air Squats
7 Sprints




3 Rounds
10x Thrusters 95lbs/65lbs
10x T2B
10x HSPU

We had a visitor from Reebok CrossFit 306, thanks for stopping in this week and doing the open WOD with us.

Wednesday 3 April 2013



4 Rounds
12x Front Squats 95lbs/65lbs
10x Burpees
12x KB Swings 62lbs/42lbs
10x Wall Balls 20/14
12x Hollow Rocks
10x PullUps

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Monday 1 April 2013



5 Rounds
15x Deadlifts 225lbs/135lbs
15x PushUps
100m Run
15x Sit Ups